Thursday, April 17, 2014

365 Things in 365 Days


Stuff everywhere.

Too much stuff.


I'm looking to simplify life and less stuff seems like a good place to start. After all, we still have a bunch of boxes in the basement from when we moved into our house almost 2 years ago. Not to mention all the stuff I pick up on a daily basis that I don't know where to put.

So, my goal is to sell, giveaway, donate or toss AT LEAST one thing per day for an entire year. Hopefully, even more than that will be gone by April 6th, 2015. (I started this process on April 7th)

The money from what we sell will be put in a give-away fund or a miscellaneous-spending-money fund or something still to be determined, but NOT to buy more stuff! The giveaway/donate items will hopefully make their way to homes and people who can actually use them. 

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