Sunday, March 20, 2011

More Goals

Here are the rest of my goals continuing from my previous post, Highly Motivated?

Physical Goals
  • Lose one pound per week, reaching my goal weight on July 4th, 2011
    • Exercise - be active
      • Interval training 3x per week
      • Basic weights 3x per week
      • Find an activity I really enjoy and do it
    • Watch what I put in my mouth and body
      • Eat at least 5 servings of vegetables per day
      • Drink at least 60 ounces of water per day
      • Cut sugar down considerably and avoid High Fructose Corn Syrup
      • Cut out breads, pastas, etc. I am currently aiming to be gluten free for a while.
      • Take supplements daily
      • Eat out less often
Mental/Emotional Goals
These are things that I feel will help maintain my health mentally and emotionally.
  • Take a class - online or in person
  • Read for pleasure
  • Watch less TV. Currently, Ryan and I are only watching "scheduled" TV which means no just sitting around watching whatever is on. We watch recorded shows, movies or live sports.
  • Journal or blog once per week
  • Talk with friends once per week or have lunch with those friends who are nearby
  • Volunteer in the community and at church
  • Pray
  • Learn photography and web design


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