Tuesday, March 6, 2012

March 6 Edition of Being Thankful

So, it's been a while since I last wrote on here what I'm thankful for. Guess I just wasn't in the mood to write, but that doesn't mean that I wasn't thankful. :)

Anyway, I am thankful...

that baby girl will be here sometime soon! Not knowing when is so hard! But, I'm getting more and more excited. Had another dr appt today and all is going well and progressing, so could be any time (although I know statistically she will stay put until after her due date). Who knows. :) I'm currently dilated to 2+ cm.

for these warm, spring-like days. Even though we didn't have much of a winter, the warmer temperatures feel so nice.

for a wonderful, relaxing weekend. Somehow, they just go by too quickly. We played a little Xbox, drove over to Vernal for lunch and shopping, took the scenic route home, went skeet shooting (he did, I just hung out), watched some documentaries, and just plain ol hung out with each other. So great!

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