Tuesday, January 17, 2012

January 17 Edition of Being Thankful

Today, I am thankful...

that even though he was supposed to drive to Colorado last night, Ryan stayed home with me when he saw I was struggling with him leaving again. He got up extra early this morning to make the 3 hour drive. I feel so blessed by him all the time, but this was an extra blessing and was such a sacrifice for him. Thank you my love!

that we have the "real" internet at last. Ha ha. We've been using an air card for the last 3 years, which just isn't quite the same. Since there has never been a phone line to this property, it took the phone company 3 days to get it all installed and hooked up. Yeah for speedy internet. :)

that I gave my notice at work. February 2nd is my last day! Can't wait to start my new adventure as a full time, stay at home mommy! And am loving the fact that I'll have 7 weeks before my due date to prepare for baby girl's arrival. So fun! Also, thankful that Ryan encouraged me to quit earlier than I was thinking so I would have this time to get ready and get lots of sleep in. :)

for such a supportive, understanding boss who made me feel good about the opportunity to quit my job and stay at home with my baby, especially since I'm leaving at a somewhat hectic time.

1 comment:

Tara Brown said...

Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!! So so excited for you friend - yeah that God gave you Ryan, yeah for baby, yeah for getting to stay home with her!!! Such abundance!!!! (-: