Monday, November 19, 2012

7 Months Old!

Briella turned 7 months on October 12th, so still playing catch-up. Sigh...oh well.

Sweet Briella, it is such a joy to watch you grow and learn! It is amazing how quickly time flies and how quickly you change.

Life in General
You are sleeping much better now...yippee! We finally got the new carpet and you were able to move into your own room. You go to sleep every night around 7:00, sometimes you are ready a little earlier and sometimes we aren't the best at getting you in bed by right at 7:00, but overall that is the bedtime you have chosen. You were still waking up once or twice a night even though I knew you could sleep through the night since you had been doing so before we moved. You had just gotten out of the habit of being able to put yourself back to sleep during the night because while you were sleeping in our room, I didn't let you cry too long so as not to wake up daddy on work nights. One difficult night of listening to you cry for about 30-45 minutes around 3:00 in the morning and you started sleeping through the night once again. Your momma really appreciates that. :) I feel so much better getting solid, straight sleep even if it's only 7 or so hours than I did getting 8 or 9 total hours that were interrupted. And I only have myself to blame if I'm not getting 8 hours because I'm going to bed too late.

As quickly as you discovered you can put your toes in your mouth, you have lost interest in them for the most part. Instead, once you are laid on the floor, you'd rather roll around. You roll all over the place now, usually rolling off the rug and blankets no matter how big the space is that I give you.

The day you turned 7 months old is the day that you officially could sit up without tipping over. Of course you have been sitting up for a while, just not for too long without tipping. It was like overnight your balance increased and you sit so well now.

Making high-pitched noises is your new favorite thing. They aren't really squeals, but more like jabbering at as high-pitch of a sound as you can make. So cute and kinda funny!

As well, your cousin Jayla taught you to click your tongue, which you find fun.

  • I gave you your first hair trim. I wouldn't call it your first official haircut, but you definitely needed a trim off the top. The hair on the top of your head (aka your mohawk), never fell out unlike the rest of your hair, which means that it has just kept growing and was quite long with a few rough ends. So, a little trim you got. :)
  • We went camping for the first time during the Elk Hunt! Yep, we waited until it was cold to go to the mountains and stay, but it was fun anyway! We stayed up there for two nights. The nights were a little rough because I couldn't sleep well without a place that was very good for you to sleep. We ended up putting you in the bed with us, which was probably the best place, but I totally freak out with the whole sleeping in the same bed. So, that's where the lack of sleep came in, but we made it through and it was fun. You were all bundled up in a full body fleece outfit just to go outside, which made you look a little bit like the little boy from Christmas Story. Ha ha!
  • Daddy even put you on the 4-wheeler with him while we were camping and went for a little drive around the camp. He's been waiting to do that for a long time! At one point when you were very little, he had even told me that he'd figured out a way to put your car seat on the 4 wheeler. I think the look on my face let him know that wasn't going to happen. Ha ha! But at this age you could sit with him holding you for just a little ride.
  • You and I surprised daddy by visiting him at work! He thought that was pretty cool!
Pictures from Month 7
Happy Birthday, Daddy! (Daddy was out of town so we sent him these pictures)
"Nope, it's not too big to put in my mouth!"
Visiting Daddy at work.
Daddy feeding you in your new high chair.
Sometimes your hair still goes a little crazy in a mohawk. Ha!
With Momma
First camping trip! Yep it was cold, but it was fun!
Daddy has been waiting for this since you were born. :)

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