Sunday, October 24, 2010

Silent "G"

Here in The Basin (the area of Utah where Roosevelt is located), many things are different than in the big city. I'm sure I could go on about the many things, but for now I'm talking about the silent "g."

What is the silent "g" you ask. I'm referring to the letter "g" that appears at the end of words following the letters "i" and "n." You see, in The Basin, that "g" is apparently silent. We don't go shopping, walking, camping, fishing, hunting, etc. We go shoppin', walkin', campin', fishin', huntin', etc. It cracks me up and it was one of the first things I noticed about the Basinites once I started spending some time out here. And truth be told, I've started talking like that, oops, I mean talkin' like that. Guess I'm startin' to become a local. :) But, it drives me crazy when I find myself talking like that. Ha!

The other day I was talking to a co-worker and was telling her about Ryan going hunting. She actually corrected me and said to me, "It's huntin', not hunting." I just had to laugh.

1 comment:

Christine said...

Isn't it funny how easy it is to pick up an accent? I only have to be around a strong accent for a day before I start talking with the same accent. Ha ha! Loved this post, it gave me a little window into your world. :)