Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A Few Of My Favorite Things

A few of my new favorites:

1) Sweet Potato with Cottage Cheese - Perfect blend of slightly sweet and slightly salty. Delish!


2) Almond Milk - mmmm, a good substitute for milk. 

4) Reading with my hubby before bed - Ryan and I are reading "Purpose Driven Life" together. Drawing closer to God and closer to each other.

5) Crafting - So much fun creating things. Been a long time since I've used my creativity this way.

6) Mod Podge - Who knew glue could be so fun? Ha!

7) My Elliptical Machine - Have a date with my elliptical every day. Feels great to work out and it helps that it faces the TV. :)

8) Camelbak Water Bottle - New water bottle actually helps me drink more water :)

9) Plant from my Momma and Dadda

10) Anything Zebra Print - Sadly, it's becoming immensely popular. Oh well, I still like it.

11) "Living Beyond Yourself" by Beth Moore - This study on the fruit of the Spirit is really kicking my butt, so good and so challenging!

12) "Purpose Driven Life" By Rick Warren - Even the third time reading this book, it is still thought-provoking and moving me into action.

13) The TV show "Secret Millionaire"

14) Healing Scents Products - All natural, non-toxic skin care products plus much more. Check it out!

15) Cosmetics Database - This website lists all the ingredients in all care products, including skin care, make up, toothpaste, sunscreen, laundry detergent, deoderant, you name it and it's on there rating the toxicity of the product according to what's in it. Makes ya think twice and shows you which products are safer to use.

16) Mercola - All natural doctor with natural remedies, etc.

17) And last but not least, my Canon T1i camera that Ryan got me for my birthday. This post was partially just an excuse to use it and practice taking pictures. Love this camera, just need some photography lessons now.

1 comment:

Christine said...

1) I've always wanted to try Almond milk. I think I'd like it too. :)
2) I also love The Purpose Driven Life. Caleb and I read it together when we were engaged and it did wonders for our relationship with God and eachother.
3) That Living Beyond Yourself looks really good! I think I'll have to read that one.
and 4) Cottage Cheese and sweet potato? Really? I'm not so sure about that one. ;-)
Love you and miss you friend.