Monday, August 6, 2012

August 6 Edition of Being Thankful

Last night I started reading through my blog and really enjoyed reading my "thankful" posts. So, I'm going to attempt to write them again.

Today, I am thankful...
  • for our new (to us) house. We are enjoying the space, which is about 3 times as much as we had before. It's a fixer-upper, which means we get to make it ours, right?! It might take a few years, but we'll get there. I'll try posting pics soon with more details on where we'll be spending the next many years of our lives.
  • for a visit from one of my best friends, Tara, and her almost 3 year old, Autumn. They came out last week and we had a ton of fun hanging out. Plus, it was fun to see Tara 7+ months pregnant.
  • that my mom is coming out tomorrow to keep me company while Ryan is out of town. She'll have fun with Briella and hopefully, I'll get some painting done in our torn apart living room so that Ryan can install the flooring when he gets home.
  • for my wonderful little family of 3!

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