Thursday, January 29, 2009


Where to begin. It's been a while and I know that my last post was all about 31 being the best year yet and I really believe that it could be. However, there have been some difficult circumstances in life so far this year.
  1. Stressed out parents who are preoccupied and that I have felt disconnected from, which if you know me at all is a big deal especially when I get to point 3
  2. My grandma is at the place in life where it is time to move to an assisted living center. That has been hard for my dad along with the other stressors in his life.
  3. One week after my last post I was laid off from my job.
Despite these things, I am still convinced that life is good and it will be an amazing year. I don't know what's going to happen, but I know that God is bigger than all of this and anything else that may come my way. His plans are far better than I can imagine. That is why I have hope.

Already, in each of the three situations above, I have seen God working.
  1. I have my parents back. :)
  2. Grandma is open to and has agreed that this is the best choice - something that she hasn't been willing to do in the past.
  3. No new job yet, but there are some possibilities. And the silver lining is that I have enjoyed the last two weeks off, spending time with friends and just chillin'. :) Plus, I know that there is a job out there just for me (I'm just not in a big rush to find it :)).

Life is good, because God is good.

Thursday, January 8, 2009


I’ve decided that 31 is a good age. I don’t really have an explanation, I just decided to make it a good age. Afterall, the alternative is that it will be a bad age and I really don’t want that.

This birthday, from beginning to end, was perhaps the best one that I have had in a long time. It was a great day with LOTS of birthday wishes from so many people. I feel VERY loved! Thank you to all you wonderful people in my life.

Over this past year I have come to realize how blessed I am. I can’t even explain how grateful I am for the family that God has given me. They are amazing! My parents are two of the most amazing people I know. I am thankful that they are still married and actually love each other. I can’t go into the details, but this past month, they have done one of the most unselfish things that anyone could do and did it with good attitudes. They are an excellent example to me. It’s hard to even put into words how I feel about them and just how amazing they are. Why does it take being an adult to appreciate your parents? :) And I’m very thankful to have a big brother that I actually like spending time with. He’s amazing, too!

Not only am I blessed by my family, but my incredible friends, both near and far, as well. You guys are my lifeline at times and remind me what life is all about, what’s important, and encourage me when I need it. I just hope I’m as good of a friend to all of you as you all are to me.

My 31st birthday was a great way to start this new year of my life, celebrating with some friends who live here and talking to others on the phone. I had a great time at The Cheesecake Factory (yes, the tradition continues) eating yummy food and hanging out with the girls. We even saw David Archuletta. :)

I’m really looking forward to this coming year to see what it will bring! God is good and I know that His blessings never cease in both the good and bad times.

So, here’s to being 31! Cheers!